Thursday, January 17, 2019

Cruel Seas Battle Report

Mike and both had our forces for this painted (admittedly, mine were painted by Ed) so we decided to give the game ago at the OMG.

We got two games in. For the first we played the introductory torpedo scenario where I had a tanker escorted by a single S-Boat and Mike had 2 Vosper MTBs that were trying to sink the tanker before it got off the table
My plan was simply to move the tanker as fast as it could go (not particularly fast!) and try and sink the British before they could fire their torpedoes.

I turned towards the British boats and opened fire. I soon realized that firing when traveling at full speed is not likely to hit but when I slowed down on the following turn I got some good hits wiping out one of the British Boats
The remaining boat launched one torpedo (Mike had forgotten to launch at the appropriate time and felt that firing only one was a reasonable compromise when I let him fire then later). The torpedo hit and wasn't a dud doing a lot of damage to the tanker but not quite enough to sink it

Closing in the British were able to sink the tanker with gunfire while the S-Boat was turning around

For the second game we were joined by 2 more player and used all the ships we had 2 S-38s, 2 S-100s on the German side and 3 Vosper MTB 1 and 3 Vosper MTB 2 on the British side.

We (the Germans) went around different sides of the island but the British tried to concentrate against Johns S Boats
There was a collision between one of the S-Boats and one of the Vospers (the smaller Vosper, unsurprisingly, came out much the worse) and some fierce gunfire on both sides. The Germans had an advantage both in firepower and luck and all the British boats were sunk to no losses to the Germans (though 2 of the boats were damaged)

Overall the game was a great sucess and Mike and I have decided to buy the British and German fleet boxes respectively.

I think I will run this at Cangames with some larger ships as targets (either Liberty Ships or something like a Monitor)

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