Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Roll Call: PAVN

I should be sorting out my Cangames reports but my conversations with Ed and Stan left me curious about how many North Vietnamese troops I have both painted and unpainted.

It turns out I have the HQ unit with 3 HMGs, 2 AAMG units, a 6 tube mortar unit and 5 gun recoiless rifle battery (which should be 6 but one of them ended up being painted as Iraqi for a Force on Force game!) all painted and 2 Infantry Companies each with 2 platoons unpainted (but based). I am not really sure if there are enough to make an interesting Flames of War game (though I could add in lots of Tanks in Egyptian colours!) but it could be enough for Force on Force.

For some odd reason, I am feeling that I should paint the rest of these up (I recall the heavy weapons guys painted up quite quickly) -- Perhaps it is because I want a reason to buy the Brown Water Navy stuff and if these were done the chance that I would actually use them would be greater than 0!


  1. I think the HQ set has 2 bunkers also which you have done.

    That is allot of infantry to paint but, it would be fun to give it a go. I told Serge I would paint the Great War set I have so that is the next project for me.

  2. I have the hmg nests painted up, going to start with the viet cong main force guys...and maybe throw some moderns and Great War in between...

    Mind is turning...hmmm where to start.
